
3. One-year working programme 2013 with work-schedule

The one-year working programme is planned to be implemented during the period: January – December 2013. The programme is elaborated as indicative table whose structure is identical with that of the Five-year programme, including with preserved numeration of the activities. The responsible institutions are pointed, as well as the necessary financial means and resources of funding.

In the programme are also included recommendations from the Public Discussion of the MP for increasing the state participation through provision of proactive and urgent funding, which shall guarantee the implementation of the Plan (especially regarding the urgent conservation activities and the enhancement of some management instruments – legislative protection, spatial planning activity, etc.).

In the attached time-schedule is pointed the deadline for execution of each activity (start and duration by months) that considers the place of the activity among the set priorities and/or in a definite technological sequence. The time-table is developed in linear form for the sake of convenience regarding monitoring.