The above made analysis of the content and the parameters of the outstanding universal value could be a basis for a structural analysis of the territory of the property and its immediate context. Such an analysis could also give a clearer idea about the integral values of the historic urban landscape, about their disposition in the territory and about their relation to the outstanding universal value.
The MP performs the first analysis of this kind in our country of the territory of “The Ancient City of Nessebar” and its immediate territorial context. All the mentioned characteristics of the outstanding universal value of the property were complexly analysed: the single immovable heritage sites and the degree of their concentration on the territory, the complex values of the historic urban landscape and the territorial localisation of its tangible and intangible, cultural and natural values.
The conducted analysis regarding the content and parameters of the outstanding universal value of the property shows that by 1983 the significance of the examined territory was not absolutely homogenous. Areas and sites exist where the outstanding universal value is strongly manifested therefore they have leading contribution to the significance of the property. There are also zones and sites whose cultural value is relatively lower – they complement the general significance of the territory, but have relatively secondary contribution to the outstanding universal value. Besides, zones, situated beyond the boundaries of the property, which were not subject to evaluation by 1983, possess real potential to complement, support and protect the significance of the property.
The above-mentioned hierarchy of values of the elements of the territory according to their significance suggests differentiated approach to the conservation, use and management of the property and its environment.
The results of the evaluation analysis of the territory are depicted in SCHEME № 4: Value analysis of the territory: content and parameters of the outstanding universal value of the World Heritage Site. The analysis shows that “The Ancient City of Nessebar” is an integral site – historic urban landscape with manifested outstanding universal value. At the same time is a living historic town with active living functions. That makes its conservation, use and management an extremely difficult task. That is why it is useful to take into consideration the most modern European and world experience in this field that could be applied to the case of “The Ancient City of Nessebar”.