The MP proposes within the frames of the property and its protection/buffer zone to execute a system of specialised professional interventions as provided by the CHA aiming at preventing the destruction of the heritage sites and consolidation of their state; to preserve the outstanding universal value and to enhance its impact; to enhance the vitality of the property in correspondence with the standards of modern comfort. For achieving this objective is applied an interdisciplinary approach including all aspects of the specialised professional interventions: spatial planning, architectural and construction, artistic, structural, chemical, climatologic, landscape, etc.
The following types of specialised interventions are considered: on site conservation (temporary urgent rescue and preventive measures until the end of the research process); conservation; restoration; reconstruction (admissible only for such lost architectural immovable heritage sites, for which there is reliable data on their authentic state and historical evolution and if their reconstruction would restore the integrity of the urbanistic environment); adaptation/exhibit. The MP proposes the future policy in this field to be based on: applying the positive, gained throughout the years national experience in the field of the conservation and restoration activity; overcoming the defects of the period after the 90s; sticking to the positive international practices for applying integrated conservation; differentiated approach to the specialised interventions.
The MP pays special attention to the full complying of the specialised interventions with the requirements for preservation of the authenticity and integrity of the heritage sites within the frames of the conservation process.
The MP proposes the development of a Conservation Master Plan as a basic and established in the international practice instrument for implementation of the policy for development and implementation of the above activities for specialised intervention. As stated above (see PART III), the conservation plan defines the concrete approach to each component of the urban cultural heritage and is a basis for the preparation of a financially backed programme for the implementation of the specialised activities in the historic town aiming its conservation. It is a means for applying the methods of integrated conservation through consecutive, synchronised and interconnected concrete actions for research, safeguard and socialisation of the cultural traces in the context of the modern spatial planning and in accordance with the prescriptions for conservation. Therefore, the World Heritage Committee recommends the elaboration of a Conservation Master Plan for “The Ancient City of Nessebar”. The MP provides for the implementation of this recommendation and proposes the Conservation Plan to be included in the Bulgarian legislation as a necessary operational instrument for implementation of the strategy for conservation of cultural heritage.
Of great importance for the efficiency of the conservation plan will be the proposed in the MP development of 3D model of the property, with would enable the modelling the spatial parameters of the single sites and the historic urban landscape.
The MP also proposes the following guidelines for preventive specialised interventions for risk management considering the hazard resulting from the action of the indicated factors with negative impact on the property (see PART IV, it.9):
Prevention against anthropogenic negative factors – coordination of the conservation policy with all other actions for conservation, use and management of the property; development of the functional systems and cultural tourism; measures for enhancement of management, education, etc.; protection against vandalism regarding the heritage sites;
Preventions against the negative natural factors: climate conditions and state of the atmospheric air (monitoring, urgent and current conservation activities; equipment with technical means for control on microclimate, etc.); state of the ground – erosion, landslide and seismic processes (observation, expertises, constant monitoring, strengthening and urban development activities, etc.);
Execution of activities for optimal adaptation of the heritage sites for contemporary functions. The MP proposes the conservation policy to take into consideration the requirements for providing of vitality of the property and of modern comfort, by preserving of authenticity and the unique image of the Ancient City. For that purpose conservation policy should precisely conform to the guidelines for development of the functional systems and of cultural tourism.
In relation to the work on the MP and in correspondence with its objectives regarding the conservation and socialisation of the Nessebar churches are developed, commissioned by the Nessebar Municipality, pilot product № 3 “Faith in Nessebar” (in three parts) and pilot product № 4 “Conservation, restoration and socialisation of the church of St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel”. In this way are proposed specific standard models of the modern approach towards conservation of heritage sites and is speeded up the application of one of the strategic guidelines in conservation policy.
Programme activities
In the respective implementation programmes for implementation of the MP are included the following specific activities for the implementation of the conservation policy in the property:
Within the frames of Programme 2012 for urgent activities is considered a series of urgent rescue conservation activities and expertises (on the early-Byzantine thermae, in the zone to the west of the basilica of Holy Virgin Eleousa, on the endangered sites of the church of St. John Aleitourgitos, etc.). During the same year starts the execution of the first two parts of pilot product № 3 – for conservation of the churches of St. John the Baptist and St. Paraskeva, planned to terminate in 2012.
At the beginning of Programme 2013-2017 (until its 20th month) is planned to be commissioned and developed the Conservation Master Plan, to start the execution of pilot product № 4 (for the church of St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel”) and to be developed projects for the church of St. John Aleitourgitos and for several vernacular architecture sites. Afterwards – until the end of this programme – will be executed the activities considered in the developed and adopted Conservation Master Plan.
Within the frames of Programme 2013-2032 is planned the execution of the projects and activities from the Conservation Master Plan. On that basis could be objectively programmed all future specialised professional interventions in the heritage sites. Development and implementation of a specialised project for illumination of key sites in the property is also planned.
On SCHEME № 12: Strategy for implementation of activities for safeguarding and recovery of the authenticity and integrity of the urban fabric is pointed the territorial location of the more important specialised professional interventions in the property and its buffer zone.